Why did Miłosz become a pretext for me to depict the "inner man"? Maybe it's due to his persistent search for meaning reflected in his poetry. Maybe because of his path to conversion. Indeed, "inner man" is that area of human nature that one must unearth, you must "scrape away to reach it." "Scrape away" might be the best word, because this inner person reveals themselves in struggle and striving that wounds. This portrait expresses gratitude for his painful and failed journey to the "inner man," one who listens increasingly more to himself; for the journey that would have probably ended with him, if not for "the word," if not for poetry. It is also an expression of gratitude for his approach to art, expressed among other things in the poem "Secretaries":
I am only a servant of the invisible thing,
that is dictated to me and a few others.
Secretaries, unknown to each other, we walk the earth,
understanding little. Starting in mid-sentence,
breaking off another before the period. What kind of total
will be composed, it is not for us to inquire,
because none of us will read it.